Here follows a selection of vegetarian recipes from those don’t make use of any kind of animals.

Listed recipes refer to ovo-lacto vegetarianism (or lacto-ovo vegetarianism) that includes animal/dairy products such as eggs, milk, and honey.


An artichoke alone does not make Spring. However an artichoke along with asparagus and radishes, yes! Saturday was a beautiful day, and I had on my table a basket full of pioppini mushrooms just picked by my dad. I made a vegetable omelette with asparagus and radishes, and I've kept a bit of them to [...]


Something that never miss at the beginning of April at my table, as on all the tables of Rome and Roman Castles area (Castelli Romani) are the artichokes. The fastest and easiest way to prepare them is as in the Roman era (when in Rome...), using exclusively the violets (also named "Cimaroli"), typical tender artichokes [...]


Yesterday my dad did the fresh ricotta cheese. I wasn't there, so I missed the proceedings. Waiting to document and describe the proceeding next time, in the meantime, I tasted the final result (divine!). I prepared an simple and lightweight appetizer with ricotta. I took those made in the smaller molds placing them on a [...]

By |Apr 10, 2014|Categories: Appetizer, Recipe, Vegetarian|Tags: , , , , , |

RAT-TAIL GNOCCHI (a coda de soreca)

My aunt Carla and my cousin Silvia, have a fresh pasta shop, family-run, "L'Arte della Pasta all'uovo". Every day them produce different types of hand made products, following traditional recipes and experimenting with new continuously. The pasta is good and natural. But if you ask to Silvia what is her favorite pasta, she answered "with [...]