In my opinion, the hummus comes from Damascus. I've eaten hummus anywhere in the Arab countries and it has been one of my main meals - convenient and fast, I found it very good also when packed at the supermarket - when I lived in London and Toronto. But the first thing comes to my [...]
I quarrel always with the batter. Instead today I prepared the best pancake of ever. Maybe because best things come when you do not have too many pretensions, without the performance stress to ruin everything. Maybe because I was particularly pleased with the batter, or because I used pecorino cheese made from the 'seventeen' herbs [...]
Borage has been used by the ancient Greeks to treat a hangover, according to the Celts it gave courage to the warriors. Borage was named Euphrosinum by Plinio "because it makes the man elated, happy and satisfied" he said. The Romans considered it a miracle cure against sadness and moodiness. It was recommended also by [...]
An artichoke alone does not make Spring. However an artichoke along with asparagus and radishes, yes! Saturday was a beautiful day, and I had on my table a basket full of pioppini mushrooms just picked by my dad. I made a vegetable omelette with asparagus and radishes, and I've kept a bit of them to [...]
Something that never miss at the beginning of April at my table, as on all the tables of Rome and Roman Castles area (Castelli Romani) are the artichokes. The fastest and easiest way to prepare them is as in the Roman era (when in Rome...), using exclusively the violets (also named "Cimaroli"), typical tender artichokes [...]
Yesterday my dad did the fresh ricotta cheese. I wasn't there, so I missed the proceedings. Waiting to document and describe the proceeding next time, in the meantime, I tasted the final result (divine!). I prepared an simple and lightweight appetizer with ricotta. I took those made in the smaller molds placing them on a [...]