Appetite comes with travelling – Easy recipes and Food Photography from
Tell me about your local market and I’ll tell you who you are, the MAHANE YEHUDA MARKET
To understand a place you have to go to the local market. That's where you can find faces, bits of history, traditions and ways of doing, products and knick-knacks. Aromas and flavors, strengths and weaknesses of the place and its inhabitants. In Jerusalem, where everything has (at least) two versions, even the typical markets are [...]
Black Bryony Omelette and Wild Asparagus
The Tamus communis is an alimurgic plant with thousand names. Black Bryony, Madonna Seal, Tamaro, Tanno, Cerasiola, Black vine, tamina grapes, viticella, etc. In France is called Herbe aux femmes battues that means 'grass for battered women', such name is due to the wraps made with the grated root and applied on contusions and sprains. In my [...]
Mother dough, mother yeast, sourdough , natural yeast, starter. These are just some of the names by which it is called that for me, the natural leavened dough. It has become a real passion to the point that sometimes I ask to myself :"How did I live all those years with no mother dough? Without [...]
CIAMMELLA SERRONESE (an italian donut)
My mother comes from Serrone (Italy). You can imagine this little town as "the land of the free flight, of the silver olive groves, of the cesanese wine" a town of little mountain houses made of stone and wood. This is the town of warmth people and infinite kinships (such kind of kinships are narrower [...]
In my opinion, the hummus comes from Damascus. I've eaten hummus anywhere in the Arab countries and it has been one of my main meals - convenient and fast, I found it very good also when packed at the supermarket - when I lived in London and Toronto. But the first thing comes to my [...]