Pasta & Rice, a selection from

Arugula pesto with pine nuts, almonds and lime juice.

I'm used to think about something to eat and immediately cook it. This is because at my house is usual to cook things pretty light and easy. I like to experiment, in facts I'm fortunate to have a vegetable garden that provides me with many good things and, above all, when I eat, I eat [...]


Do you remember Tamaro? I've talked about that plant few posts ago. These are the last days to collect them. Why not take advantage and make a good tamaro (tamaro communis) risotto with stafforella cheese? This recipe takes only 30 minutes and is very easy to do... Enjoy! Ingredients Recipe: Risotto Cuisine: Italian [...]


Borage has been used by the ancient Greeks to treat a hangover, according to the Celts it gave courage to the warriors. Borage was named Euphrosinum by Plinio "because it makes the man elated, happy and satisfied" he said. The Romans considered it a miracle cure against sadness and moodiness. It was recommended also by [...]


An artichoke alone does not make Spring. However an artichoke along with asparagus and radishes, yes! Saturday was a beautiful day, and I had on my table a basket full of pioppini mushrooms just picked by my dad. I made a vegetable omelette with asparagus and radishes, and I've kept a bit of them to [...]

RAT-TAIL GNOCCHI (a coda de soreca)

My aunt Carla and my cousin Silvia, have a fresh pasta shop, family-run, "L'Arte della Pasta all'uovo". Every day them produce different types of hand made products, following traditional recipes and experimenting with new continuously. The pasta is good and natural. But if you ask to Silvia what is her favorite pasta, she answered "with [...]